I’m George Hearn

Owner of Maxximum Performance

Feel Better
Live Better

Real-life fitness solutions for real people who are:

  • Tired of being tired.
  • Looking for a collaborative, manageable solution to everyday
    aches and pains.
  • Ready to start the journey toward sustainable physical fitness.

No pain, no gain is a myth.

Taking control of your physical fitness takes effort, but exercise is not supposed to hurt.

With over 30 years as a physical therapist, I know that the fitness journey isn’t easy,

and it can be emotional

but it can be done

and it's worth doing!

We all know that exercise and healthy nutrition make for a healthier you, but it’s hard to make and keep the right commitments by yourself. More importantly, it’s hard to find someone knowledgeable and competent enough to provide a safe, do-able plan that’s right for you.


My approach is collaborative – I’m not interested in telling you what to do, I want to partner with you in your journey.

Instead of a pushy Instagram or magazine model who prescribes extreme measures and promises dramatic results overnight, no matter what.

How about a patient, trained, and licensed physical therapist who understands how the human body changes due to age, injury, pregnancy, and other everyday life events?

Instead of an out-of-touch celebrity who just lost fifty pounds and claims that “anyone can do it!”

How about a fitness coach who relates to your busy schedule and your anxiety about exercise and dieting?

Instead of an unrealistic weight loss meal plan that relies on tiny portions and expensive “superfoods.”

Steady, gradual changes to your eating habits that lead to long-term improvements in how you feel?

Instead of a workout video that focuses on movements you can barely perform.

How about a customized, step-by-step training program created for you and your unique physical realities?

Fitness and nutrition don’t have to dominate your life.

Instead, they should enhance your life.

It’s all about sustainable lifestyle fitness.

About Me

I’m George Hearn, fitness coach, physical therapist, and personal trainer who understands real bodies. Over the past 30+ years, I’ve helped thousands of people make sustainable changes and achieve lasting results.

We all know that exercise and healthy nutrition make for a healthier you, but it’s hard to make and keep the right commitments by yourself. More importantly, it’s hard to find someone knowledgeable and competent enough to provide a safe, do-able plan.

That’s where my feel better, live better fitness approach comes in.


“You can find trainers all day every day, but I needed someone more knowledgeable and experienced. I use a wheelchair and I began having problems with my shoulders, especially getting in and out of the car.

So, working with George to increase my strength meant more freedom and independence for me.

It’s also encouraging to know how much he cares about my fitness.
He’s my number one fan!”

Beverly J.

“I have a special needs granddaughter and I want to be around for her as long as possible. I knew I needed to improve my physical conditioning, but I wanted someone who knew what they were doing.

I was intrigued when I saw all George’s certifications and learned that he’s a certified physical therapist as well. George can read my capabilities so he is able to help me build up my endurance and strength safely and gradually, which is the best way to do it.”

Doug V.

“George got me into the best shape I’ve experienced since I was in my twenties (I’m 73).

In the past, the routines I tried always took too long. George shortened them to 15 or 20 minutes. That’s the biggest thing for me – not having to spend an hour working out.
It’s made me stronger and given me more energy.

I also have a better sense of balance, which is important as we age.

He also varies the sessions so they don’t become boring. He always had something new to add to the routine. He also has very good ideas for dieting and weight loss. “

Mark P.

With the right plan, you can:

  • Feel the energy, increased focus, and upbeat lifestyle that comes from being physically fit.
  • Carry your (grand)kids around without worrying about a backache tomorrow.
  • Recover from an injury and learn how to keep it from happening again.
  • Create a fitness lifestyle rather than a lifestyle built around fitness.
  • Implement a holistic plan that takes into account such factors as age or disability.
  • Gain the confidence and personal motivation to get going in a safe and manageable way.
  • Exercise using sufficiently challenging routines, yet tailored to your abilities.
  • Benefit from the right approach for your body, schedule, and lifestyle.

The simple way we’ll work together to improve your health and fitness:

1 - Start by thinking about your health in a new way

Fitness plans fail for one of two reasons: either they’re designed by someone who doesn’t know you or someone who doesn’t truly understand health and fitness.

Let’s do it differently this time!

2 - Let’s talk about your experience and ensure a safe start

Your health and safety are the first priority, so let’s do our due diligence and discuss your preferences and medical history at a fitness assessment meeting.

3 - Create the conditions for success and monitor progress

The key to success is a plan that is attainable and sustainable.

We’ll start with a realistic plan, and follow up consistently and make the right adjustments.

We’ll change one thing at a time to make sure we’re establishing what truly works.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your New Path Today!
